Monday, August 15, 2016

Zrii Compensation Plan Basics

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The Zrii Singapore Comp Plan is designed around one of my personal favorites. It is a binary, meaning you only have to build two legs of people.

MLM Leaders in other companies may argue this point, but I believe that a binary is the best MLM pay plan for newbies and long term veterans.

While other pay plans like a Unilevel or Matrix force you to build a minimum of three legs, a binary is only two. In most cases you’ll need to build more than 3 legs with those other plans.

Two vs. three doesn’t sound like to big a deal, it’s only one more leg. But here’s the deal. In network marketing it’s tough to find leaders, people who will go out and put in the time and effort to build a long term business.

So that one extra leg makes a HUGE difference in short term income and long term as well.

Some MLM Leaders will argue that in most binaries you end up with one huge blown out leg, and this is funny to me. Because that means you found an awesome leader who blew out that one leg. You’d be in the same position in a Unlilevel or Matrix, BUT you’d then have to build out and juggle TWO more legs instead of just one.

The bottom line is that it’ll always be easier to build two legs than it will be to build three or more.

The zrii compensation plan compensation plan pays out in many different ways. You have Fast Start Bonuses that pay out on the initial product order. These allow you to start earning money quickly. Then you have the binary commissions along with matching bonuses and a Global Bonus commission based on the entire companies sales.

Knowing every little detail about the Singapore Zrii Compensation Plan does you no good though, unless you are able to build a network of reps and customers. This is where most people fall flat, as they do not have the ability to recruit, or sell the product.

Since 2002 I’ve ALWAYS taught that a company with a real sales system will ALWAYS give you and EVERYONE you enroll a better chance at earning the income you desire. It’s all about momentum, and too many people just don’t have the skills it takes to build momentum.

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